Helloooo Humannssss!!!
Recently, I have been wanting to just dwelve deep into the past and relive each and every moment I spent as a child..
Is it just me that feels like I want to go back to being a little child again: like playing those pretend games and having the ability to get lost in any world or watching Peppa Pig and cartoons that make no sense whatsoever with a straight face whilst our eyes are glued to the colourful pictures in front of us?
I know this sounds silly, but I just want to go back to those days.
I remember having such a light feeling every day but now, no matter what, there is always some kind of a weight of maturity, it's as if I can't view things with a simple opinion and everything that I learn of especially on the internet seems to be so twisted.
I am starting to understand a lot more things and the world around me doesn't seem to be as simple as it was anymore.
I've been craving the feeling of free laughter from doing stupid things and playing spy games, so that's exactly what I did and it went like this...
I forced my brother into playing a stupid spy game that we made up as we went along with a few nerf guns, we had silly names, funny tasks such as washing the dishes (yes my mum clearly didn't understand the assignment and told us to wash the dishes when we were just getting started) and we both ended up in a heap of laughter by the end of our little role play.
It was probably due to the level of stupidity; everything just seemed funny to us but in a good way.
We had a lot of fun and I found the light feeling and happy kind of laughter I was searching for.
I think the reason for my random outburst of yearning for the past is the fact that life these days is filled with maturity, and ways to become a good and better adult with several restrictions.
These days doing things with no thought are considered "childish".
It takes away our freedom and creativity, puts a permanent lock on things with rules on what you can and cannot do.
Believe it or not but everyone has an inner child flaming bright within us that is longing to be let out and run free.
Take it from me, sometimes you got to let your inner child run wild.
It's necessary and you would be surprised with the amount of fun you are missing out on as well as the amount of creativity you will get to experience.
(That was so cringey I know, let me just go dig a hole and hide in it XD ).
- Ravitreni Signing Off
Helloooo - it's me again, for some reason my quote is not uploading so check out my instagram for this week's quote!