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Writer's pictureravitrenip

Technology's Memories

Hellooo Humans!!!

Have you noticed how you spend most of your time surrounded with electronics and online people rather than people in real life?

I guess what I am saying is that; have you noticed how technology is slowly taking over our lives?

I mean, we literally depend on it from when we wake up with an AI or your phone for an alarm in the morning, to entertainment while waiting for a bus for school, or GPS for travelling to work or even for food and clothes by ordering them online.

To be honest, technology has made our lives a lot easier; before we had to worry about food, clothes, money, organising and entertainment on several different objects and appliances but now with the tap or swipe of a phone's keypad you are able to access anything and everything essential for a living.

However a break from everything is also essential.

Therefore, I think a detox from your phone once in a while is not a bad idea. I am speaking from experience and I know I sound very annoying and actually I think I sound like my mum but I hate to admit that she is right.

One of the main reasons why I write blogs is to keep my thoughts, emotions and feelings in check and not get too carried away with social media or technology. Yes you can learn several wonders about the world through the power of social media but it is also easy to loose yourself in the grip of its hands.

In fact today I woke up pretty late and spent a few hours scrolling on my phone and without realising I had wasted almost have the day - time is snatched from you when you fall into the well of social media.

When I say detox, I don't mean completely avoid using it, because truthfully speaking, our phone is the biggest part in our lives these days and it is hard to get work done without it (even my blog uses the power of technology and gadgets) but what I mean is, to not use it for things that you could do in real life that might give us immense joy if we tried, things that give us meanings and memories!

For example, instead of watching a documentary about space for an assignment, why not visit a museum and learn as you go through the museum, trust me this will be a lot more meaningful and will probably make it easier for you to remember content as you are physically engaging yourself as well as engaging your mental abilities and brain - to make it more fun perhaps go with your friends and spend the rest of the day hanging out.

Of course, you don't have to travel all the way to a museum to get off your phone, you could even just go and talk to your family, maybe play a board game or do some activities such as baking.

Or if you were going to play a video game with your friend, perhaps your time would be much more worthwhile if you went out with them for a walk, took in some fresh air before returning to your desk with your computer and phone to revise or finish working on that long essay online.

Some of us end up missing out on the magical moments that occur in life just because of a small device that contains tons of your memories (photos) and that also is the reason to why those memories aren't etched in your heart, as they are safe and sound and meaninglessly locked away on a device you use for millions of other things; so why would you go through those photos when you have to watch a video or complete some work on that same phone?

I guess you could say, this blog is kind of like a diary full of experiences and memories I want to keep as well as share to everyone else. It is a place where all my memories are kept, designed and told in the form of words for my heart and mind to embrace every week as I open this page and ponder about what memory or experience to engrave into my heart next.

Take that break from your phone or computer or TV even if it is just for an hour, and do something you love or always wanted to do but could never get round to doing because of your busy schedules.

Enjoy a small detox from technology.

- Ravitreni Signing Off

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Aarabi Uthayakumar
Aarabi Uthayakumar
Jan 29, 2023

This is sooo true so I’m gonna take a small break from tech too 🥲 eye-openerrrr 🥹

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