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Writer's pictureravitrenip

Phones become our life

Helllooo Humans!!

Before I start ranting about my life, I would like to just say that: In this world of the 21st century, many of us don't realise how much we actually depend on technology.

My focus today will be specifically on our smartphones. To be honest, we don't even refer to having a phone as having a smartphone anymore because smartphones are the new standard.

I mean, it is quite awesome that the smartphone has a lot of features and capabilities.

We probably rely on our phones from waking up in the morning to checking the date/time/weather to transport to communicating to taking notes to capturing memories to ordering food and necessities to entertainment to even recommendations and learning.

The role of our phones is so huge in our daily lives that without one, we may even turn crazy.

I mean, recently, I broke my phone and apparently all of my photos, contacts and notes were not backed up to google drive and weren't saved on my SIM.

So, I lost all of my photos with memories of my friends of family since 2019, I lost all of my contacts and any new friends I made since 2019, I lost all of my notes including kdrama recommendations to book and blog notes - I LOST EVERYTHING!

And the first thing I did was have a mental breakdown, then I decided to try to get used to my phone and reboot everything, which is when I realised that I relied on my phone so much more than I thought I did.

I needed it for literally everything, and the photos and videos as well as the notes I had were quite important to me beyond its emotional value. I lost a lot of hard work and effort that was put into my thoughts and ideas. I lost my calendar dates and schedule for the week. I lost my train of thoughts regarding my online journal. I couldn't take it as my life didn't feel like before...It felt different and difficult. I had a second mental breakdown.

After a few days, I reflected upon the days that I had wasted being annoyed with my phone and annoyed with how my life could not go back to being so organised as it once was, but I soon began to realise that..that's life.

I couldn't do anything. I can't do anything. I could try to retrieve my photos and notes but what's gone is gone. What's done is done. And "the past is in the past"...."LET IT GOO"..Ok just kidding...

Anyway, it's time I had to let go, "LET IT GOOOO"...

Ok, I have to stop with the 'FROZEN' references..

But seriously, I had to move on. I had to re-build and reorganise my life step by step, after all, I didn't achieve my systematic lifestyle that I had over night. It took days of learning and errors to create a system that was organised in a way that would work for me.

So don't stress about unnecessary things and hold onto the past like me; it is time to move on.

If you noticed, I probably would have got my life completely together again in terms of organisation and would not have lacked motivation to be on track because my phone was out of business if I had started earlier and took things slowly instead of rushing into complete everything in one go in an attempt to bring my life back to how it was before my phone shattered.

To think, that one phone, had such immense power over my lifestyle - It's crazy.

So, don't let the small things in life hold you down and keep you in the past, let go and move on because the "the cold never bother me anyway"..(Ok that time the let it go reference was pointless).

- Ravitreni Signing Off

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2 commentaires

Karshana Pandi
Karshana Pandi
12 mars 2023

I feel like I understand,

Although it wasn't my phone, when we had to reboot my mom's all of my childhood photos got wiped. All my photos from when I was like very small and with my friends then, just gone... and although I'm in contact with most of them , some of them live in a different country now. The photos were kinda like proof that they were part of my everyday life once, like they were important to me before... so I guess I kinda miss them. (sorry this is soooo soppy) I feel like this generations photo albums are online, we take our phones for granted ( we just don't think in that moment , that w…

12 mars 2023
En réponse à

People were smart to create albums and hold value to each memory and yes, I guess we do take photos in our phones for granted. I didn't realise it's importance until they were all gone!

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