Perspective, a huge subject with several topics that cover a great deal of content. It's the thing that can change the way you look at something or feel about something.
If you want to talk about perspective in one blog, it's hard, there are several things to be said; it is like a really large and long tree that has grown many branches and upon the branches are many leaves.
So what am I rambling about?
Well, I remember in R.S we had to do a poster about God and the perspective of them.
I chose to talk about how people see God, specifically in Hinduism. For example we have people who see God as the cause for everything whether it is good or bad.
However, sometimes our perspective doesn't reveal the whole truth, for example the people who are overly optimistic and see the good in everything to the extent of accidentally ignoring the bitter truth.
We also have the people who look at life in a scientific way and see it as a cycle, whether it is good or bad they believe the cause to be science, for example life, growth and death.
Finally we have the opposite of optimistic people: the Pessimists. They see nothing but the evil and negative side of everything, either accidentally or purposely ignoring the good in things.
What I am trying to say is, that sometimes we get so caught up in how we see things that we don't think about the other side of the coin; like when you are mad at your friend for not telling you before hand about a certain something and don't bother to think about why they didn't tell you.
I'm not saying that if they betrayed you to go and forgive or try to understand them, but for small reasons don't create huge arguments and maybe talk it out, give the other person a chance to explain themselves.
Another way you could change your perspective of seeing things is to be kind and think about others' situations and why they might be acting a certain way.
That being said, don't put others' happiness before yours or overthink any scenario, but sometimes it is nice to switch perspective and look at the world through someone else's eyes.
- Ravitreni Signing Off
"There is no Truth, Only Perception of Truth" - Dr. Phil