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Writer's pictureravitrenip

Overthinking is the result of society

Updated: Jun 5

Hellooo Humans!!

I just wanted to start off by asking you about how you have been recently? Have you been well?

No I mean, have you really been ok? Both mentally physically, are you taking breaks, are you having fun, are you calm and collected?


Are your thoughts constantly overtaking your brain and jumping around?

Do you have voices that keep telling you, you're not productive/focused or just not achieving anything?

Do you often catch yourself overthinking everything?

Well my friend, is it really you who is asking all these questions, or are these questions and voices in your head the result of society's expectations?

It is very easy to slip into the world of dilemma and get trapped in your own tedious thoughts and escaping them is no easier.

With society always on our backs, judging us for everything we do, it is difficult to be ourselves and quit overthinking.

Many unspoken rules and stereotypes tend to take the lead so society hopes you project yourself in a certain way, yet that is simply illogical and unreasonable.

For example, society expects us to be unique but not step out of the box otherwise we may come across as obnoxious, society expects you to take up more hobbies and be adventurous but then points fingers at you for being too ambitious and over-achieving, society expects you to come out of your comfort zone and perform on stages but then gossips about your tendencies to seek attention through breathtaking performances, society expects you to get perfect grades but then looks down on you for not being so good at something else so...the question is, what is it that society wants exactly?

This question that is wired deeply within many people is the very question that takes your mind down the twisted path of over-thinking and throws you down a huge endless void of negative thoughts and feelings that might even evoke: depression, anxiety or sadness.

It's time to quit worrying about other people's thoughts about you, because this will only lead you to overthink which will lead you to shake hands with the void of negativity. So focus on yourself, what you like, what you enjoy, and what you think makes your time and efforts worth.

Take a deep breath, take a walk or do anything you enjoy. Step away from your life for a second and think about how much of your thoughts and actions are really because you did it for yourself and no other.

If you see very little that you actually do for yourself, it might be time to change things.

If you see that you do everything you like but somehow whatever society has to say about that is still bothering you, then all I've got to say is throw those futile thoughts out - they do not need to be occupying your mind, they belong in the bin.

And if you are perfectly fine but a friend you know might be going through this, then show them this blog and give them this piece of advice:

It is time to stop thinking "what do they think of me?" and start thinking "what do I think of me?"

- Ravitreni Signing Off

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sowjanya dundhigal
sowjanya dundhigal
Mar 27, 2023

Good article dear

one should stop thinking about what others are thinking about us , the amount of precious time wasted in this process really would fetch you more if it’s spent for thinking about how to improve themselves so that they can be happiest person on this earth.

continue writing dear I appreciate your efforts in sharing such good articles.

May 13, 2023
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Thank you so much!


Aarabi Uthayakumar
Aarabi Uthayakumar
Mar 26, 2023

i love this post so muck idk why it’s so relatable 🥹🥹 defo got to change stuff 💪

May 13, 2023
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