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Writer's pictureravitrenip

My Very Social Parents

Helloooo Humanss!

I hope everyone had a great first week of 2023 (for me things already started getting busy and kind of stressful)!

Today's topic is not what everyone can relate to because it depends on the type of parents you have but the small incidents that you do have to face will also be included.

Let's start off with introducing my parents to you:

- My Father: An IT consultant, movie producer, actor, a social activist (in terms of bringing religion and culture to this country).

- My Mother: Also working in IT, a talent for dancing, great fashion taste and also a social activist.

Now, their personalities already scream busy but the part where they are social does not brew from the work they do but from the fact that my dad loves meeting people and they are invited to parties, meetings and gatherings quite a lot.

Thankfully, the busy fever has gone down a bit after Covid-19 struck and now they seem to have other responsibilities, but whether it is a huge-scale party or an unannounced guest showing up at our door step, there is a very similar and painstakingly long procedure for the guests to leave.

I am sure every desi is aware of this.....

Let's say the guest brings up the idea of finally leaving since it is 10 o'clock and it's getting quite late, your ears and eyes are awake at their idea and you watch everyone get up and make themselves towards the door when-

"Why don't you have dinner and go? It is already quite late anyway."

Then we make our way back to the table and wait for another 1 hour until they finish chatting while eating very slowly, and my parents call me a slow eater!

They get up, wash their hands and are about to leave when my parents decide to bring up the fact that I am a good dancer so we all sit down and watch my old dance videos while I internally cringe because..

1) I have no clue who these strangers are apart from their name


2) I am really tired from working my head off in school, playing badminton then coming home to help my parents arrange the house for the guests for lunch that I just want them to go home so I could get some sleep

I mean don't get me wrong, I would stay up late even if my eyes are aching for a wink of sleep IF they were people I knew or people I am friends with - but those guests did not qualify!

Then we finally think that they are about to leave after my dance videos and then-

The guests are suddenly interested in my brother's achievements so round 2; his interests in game design, his dance and his school life.

Suddenly, the guests look at the time and realise it is 12 O'clock and are like "Oh my goodness, I did not even realise we were here for so long, we are so sorry for bothering you for so long.."

My inner mind at that exact time would be: WhY wOuLd YoU sTiLl bE StaNdInG hErE If yOu ArE sOrRy!?!!

Anyway, at least they are leaving now, and they got up and walked towards the door, and they put their shoes on, and they wore their coat and they said they had a great time, and they said good bye, and they opened the door, and the stepped out and-

"Oh, so I heard you daughter is an author?" - Guest.



You had around 12 hours to ask that same question and you bring it up when you are about to leave, when you are standing outside in the cold with a coat and shoes while we are barefoot with no coat and are dying to go inside!?


They left.

There are aggravating moments like this but there are also moments I am confused due to their social popularity for example we went to an event last year and I was just eating and minding my own business when this lady comes up to me.

"Oh, you are [INSERT PARENTS NAME]'s daughter aren't you?" - Lady

I am like yes, but how does she know me, I thought this only happened in India with your reallllyyyy distant relatives? And I have never seen her before, so what do I say? Also why now, I am trying to eat in peace!

Or the times my parents introduce me to other people and their children and expect us to be besties, unfortunately that is not how it works XD

So yes, my parents are very social (particularly my dad) but I cannot imagine a day of the week or weekend without their chaotic schedule and our chaotic life because everywhere we go and everything they do creates a new experience for us (my brother and I) to learn from.

In fact, there are some benefits to having social parents, but that's a story for another time.

Have fun and stay content with your family this year!

- Ravitreni Signing off

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Aarabi Uthayakumar
Aarabi Uthayakumar

Whyyyy is this so relatableeee 😭 the guests NEVER leave on time like everyone keeps stalling and stalling until they might as well just move in with us 😂 and idk what it is with parents expecting us to get along with a strangers kids straight away too 😭😭

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