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Writer's pictureravitrenip

My New Enemy.. (Shower thoughts)

Helloooo Humansss!!

Today is a very ill-fated day, a very unexpected twist in life.

I didn't know that I would find an enemy, a nemesis, so soon in my life, I mean I am only 15 years old but now that I look back on my life, that enemy has always been there, first tormenting my parents, and now tormenting me.

I found my immortal enemy, an enemy that will never leave my side and that will forever be hated by me.

In fact, not just me but the whole population of the UK dreads this thing and perhaps it is also a hated enemy of the world.

Such hatred it attracts from many in the world.

This enemy is the type that has no mercy and will not spare a second to attach their painfully bad luck onto us, this bad luck our enemy emits has the power to change the course of the whole day, usually creating catastrophic incidents that are unescapable.

They have the power to get your teacher who knows that you are really good and almost like a teacher's pet to yell at you and create conflict.

This enemy must be eliminated from this world!

So, your probably wondering who this enemy is...well it is:






Yes, I know, you think traffic was overly dramatised and personified as my enemy but when I tell you that these days all I have as an enemy is traffic because of how consistent it has been in annoying me and making me late for school; it is true! yes this week's blog is very dramatised I guess this is more of a venting session but seriously why is traffic so bad!?!

I mean, I just want to get to school.

You know what, I'm going to search up this: "What causes traffic?" to know what exactly the catalyst of this antagonist is.

Search result: Traffic happens from a roadway having too many cars on it at once. If the road doesn’t have space for all of the vehicles, people have to drive slower and closer together to fit more cars.

Ok....So you're telling me cars are the main reason to traffic, or the roads? Whom do I place the blame on?!?!?!?!?!

I mean let's see, cars can be the reason for: Pollution (fossil fuels burnt and emitted), apparently traffic, accidents and contribute to global warming.

Roads can be the reason for: Accidents (if icy due to weather, but then would that not be the weather's fault and would inconsistent weather not be due to global warming hence the car?).

Ok...well ummm - I guess I can now conclude that traffic's catalyst and evil assistant who also play the role of a mastermind (if this were a book/drama) would be the one and only cars, a man-made invention. Also I guess another reason for traffic could be the mastermind's mastermind and total game player could come down to a human being - but the question is, which human being?

Come to think of it, who created the first car? - Woahhhhh.. calm down!

Hello, this is me but my alter ego trying to stop me from going into another deep analysis of who was to blame for traffic...I mean the possibilities are endless, it could even be people from today or driving rules etc...Ok, now I am getting carried away, I think now would be a good time to conclude.

Right, anyway, I am pretty sure this week's blog should be titled shower thoughts or deep thoughts because this is exactly how my chaotic brain works when I think of something and how it leads to the next.

Ok, hopefully next week, my blog would be less dramatic (probably not) but just remember to keep calm, keep smiling and keep eating watermelon!

- Ravitreni Signing Off

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Aarabi Uthayakumar
Aarabi Uthayakumar
Dec 04, 2022

Woahhh new enemy unlocked 😭 and 💯 watermelon foreverrr 🍉😍


Karshana Pandi
Karshana Pandi
Dec 04, 2022

Tell me How I guessed??

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