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Writer's pictureravitrenip

Looking ᗺack pt.1

Hellooo Humanss!!

Today I've got a fun blog post planned...and yes I have been procrastinating with the idea because it is something that will take me ages to go through, write, edit and complete but here I am today.

So, my plan was to look at all the blog posts I have made in the past, and to pick one line or phrase. Then I would just share my thoughts or comment on what I have said.

It seemed fun to me but at the same time I really hope you also found this idea fun so let's begin!

Categories We Create

'Which is why we also need to teach our brain to see some things as one...'

I didn't immediately understand what that meant until I thought about it to be honest - also why was my writing so complex and hard to understand back then?!

Anyway, I think the whole point of this was to say that people as a species should be viewed as one, it would be easier to get along with someone if they are not partitioned by caste or religion or our differences. Discrimination evolves from the idea of grouping certain "types" of people. So viewing ourselves as the same helps to diminish discrimination and promote equality.

Getting in Trouble When It's Not Your Fault

'I wasted too much time thinking about this issue that I was losing myself and I could've done so many things in that time.'

All I can say about this line is - damn I started to work on self-development! I remember it took me so long to realise that this was such a small and insignificant issue compared to other things I had to do.

Ornithophobia - The fear of pigeons (or birds)

'So, I have decided I will finally face my fear tomorrow!'

Spoiler: I never did.

Ok, I tried to, but I feel like what's helping me to get over this fear slowly now is that I should just not acknowledge the presence of the pigeons. I mean, this is a very difficult method because I have a proper pigeon radar and a good gut feeling of when a pigeon is within a 100 metre radius of me - but I AM TRYING.

A Small Smile Can Go A Long Way....

' reassuring smile - it goes a long way...'

I still completely agree. I think what's more significant about this reassuring smile is knowing that a friend or a loved one believes in you, and that they are there for you.

To be or not to be...

'Of course there are tons of other jobs to do too, but why is it so hard to pick one for yourself?'

This is so true! I am still struggling to decide what to do with my future and people's high expectations of me and other people my age already having a clear image of what they want to do in the future just gets more intimidating. But, I shall persevere!

Fated Friendship Frenzy

'..cherish your friendships and friends, we never know how quickly we'd grow up and be forced to move on.'

This line hits hard. Especially as Year 10 is coming to an end soon and thinking about Year 11 is as if a mix of emotions are hugging my heart. My secondary school life was a huge blur up until last year due to Covid-19 but...I really don't want to move on yet. I can't tell you how lucky I am to have such great friends that I spent the last few years with...

The Struggle Is Real

'Even the storm was against my productive and perfectly planned half-term.'

Ok, so, this pretty much sums up my whole productivity system during holidays. Yes, I still go through procrastination now. And yes it feels like when I finally sit down to do some revision, one thing or the other just tries to get in my way!

Respect, don't expect.

'..give them the right they have, not the right they deserve or earned, but the right they have as a human being.'

This line!!!!! I love it. Because it takes away the different genders and bias that exists between genders and talks about unity of a people and everyone rights because they were born human, not a girl or a boy, neither in a particular a caste or religion.

How my thinking got more complex

' make more decisions and overthinking things could lead to high stress levels..'

By this phrase, I meant that I kept on using a lot of brain juice to make a small decision instead of just picking something without overthinking. In short, I needed to quite overthinking everything.


'..sometimes we get so caught up in how we see things that we don't think about the other side of the coin..'

Basically, try looking at thing from a different perspective, see the story from a different side and perhaps things will become more clearer, or you'll understand why that one friend you thought would never do something, suddenly did it.

There's always more than one side to a story.

Replaced or left out?

'...I had nothing in common with my peers..'

If you have ever felt this way, let me tell you one thing: you are UNIQUE. You are different, and that's okay, because you'll find that you are also special because you are like no other.

Your true self

'...first you've got to find your true self and be satisfied with who you are.'

It's a journey, finding your true self, and when you find out who you are, you haven't reached your destination yet. You never will, because your destinations will keep changing through your life because you'll keep changing, your likes and dislikes will keep changing, and your satisfaction with yourself will also keep changing.

Review of my Life

'In the end our tour turned out to be great and we knew we found ourselves a good teacher if they ever came to our school.'

The teacher ended up coming to my school...AND IT IS SO AWKWARD...I mean the way me and my friend totally embarrassed ourselves was so bad that we didn't think we'd see that person ever again...and the teacher suddenly appears. Thank goodness he doesn't recognise us and thank goodness we don't take his subject!

My dancing career

'I hope to continue my dance journey and improve more as I go along.'

Back then, I hoped that I could continue my dance journey but now I am absolutely certain I want to continue it and I am improving and learning. Dance played a huge role in my life and I wish to let it continue to play a huge part in my life and make me who I am.

Negativity is contagious

'It's not easy to shift your focus and use all the negative energy for something but at the end of the task you complete, a sense of pride and positivity could overcome you with your achievement!'

This sentences is exactly my advice to anyone feeling down or negative.

Motivation motivation MOTIVATION

'Remember not to over-stress yourself or work too hard as it will only result in a bad result so keep your study session balanced and everyday routine healthy!'

I just need to clear this up. I did not mean that you would DEFINITELY not get good results if you work too hard or over-stress yourself but I meant that in the long run, this routine would not work out for you.

Still...I don't think you'll be able to maintain or stay consistent with good grades if you have a poor study and health routine....

Live in the moment

'It's a known fact that most of your school friends right now, may not end up being your closest friends in the future, so spend quality time with them and your family now, before you regret it.'

Again, evokes pain and very relatable. Regret is something that can leave you in eternal agony, so try to eliminate regret by just doing that one thing.

What makes a good home?

'I've come to realise that the thing that makes a home good is neither the house nor the surroundings but the people that you call family.'

I know! Very cheesy. Very clichéd. But, it is so true. Whenever family is with me, anywhere could feel like home.

Ok...That's all I have for you today.

A lot of people were wondering why it took me so long to complete this week's blog and it's due to the immense amount of time this all took...!!!

Also, there were a few external reasons with me being busy but it's mainly because this was such a huge project. I also underestimated the amount of blogs I have written in the past so I thought I would be able to complete commenting on all of them but it would be too much to read in one go.

So, this will probably be a two or three part series! Woohoo!!

I really didn't think this would be a series but here we are - some things are destined to happen.


- Ravitreni Signing Off

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