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Writer's pictureravitrenip

Looking ᗺack. 3

Updated: May 8, 2023

Hellloooo Humansss!!!

I am finally finishing off this long-winded and long-awaited series.

I am done with my Exams!! To be honest, I don't think I gave it my best and as soon as my last exam finished, a wave of regret of not being able to do better rushed over me...but...I was really sick for the whole week so I am trying not to be too hard on myself - you should too. Give yourself a break. that all that exam fuss is over..let's continue!

I need to stop talking to myself...

Ok, I agree..this title is very..ummm..questionable??..

'It would be really helpful if someone invented invisibility...'

This is literally the only thing that I need to get my life sorted..I could run away from people, situations, tests and problems, except that it is not ideal and not the right answer. Don't run away from your problems people!

(I would still love to be able to be invisible though).

Life as a tutor

'The whole reason to why I still stand successfully despite having a lot to deal with is because whenever I am stressed or have too much to do, I prioritise myself.'

Wish I could still say this, gotta start practising this again...It is so important to follow this rule!!

Whenever I write and upload something, people think that I stick to what I say and upload but people are constantly changing, learning new things and taking a liking for new things, so when I tell you about a practise in my life, it might not be permanent but it might be worth trying, because different things work for different people.

However this rule of prioritising yourself is essential and hard to maintain practise start now and develop this practise into your life!

My New Enemy.. (Shower thoughts)

'Hello, this is me but my alter ego trying to stop me from going into another deep analysis..'

My alter ego appears a lot, just never makes a formal appearance on my blogs. I kind of need it to stop myself into writing a whole book worth of nonsense when it is supposed to be maximum a 7 minute blog post...

Should I bring my alter ego back on posts?

The Curiosity and History of Mystery

Why are my titles like that????

'.. it is important that we recognise why we actually like something,'

Yes please! We need to take a step back and think about the value of something that we hold in our heart because a lot of things in life are meaningless but we put a tag of value on them and obsess over them even though it's worthless to us and we would probably not even think about it in other circumstances.

Snow Days

' I literally started scolding the weather and asked it to snow.'

Yes, I manifested snow. No, I didn't think it would work. Yes, sometimes manifesting things work. No, everything cannot be manifested and you must work hard.

The strength of belief

'The point is, belief is such an empowering element in many lives that we shouldn't just belittle it.'

Yes, motivational words are strong, but believing in yourself is stronger. Belief is fundamental to your success - without confidence and belief in yourself, how are you to strive forward?

What goes around, comes around

'..try to surround yourself with some positivity rather than negativity..'

I know, very difficult especially in this day and age with social media and standards, but try, I promise you it is worth it!

My Very Social Parents

'I have no clue who these strangers are apart from their name..'

Happens way too often...I am at this point used to random people somehow knowing about my existence...but also...disclaimer: I DO NOT MEAN TO BE MEAN TO THOSE PEOPLE WHO I AM TALKING ABOUT - literally for humour....(When I say I had nightmares after posting this, about random people who knew I was talking about them...)

Let's stay United

' a natural human instinct, we are more likely to hang out with people who look, act or talk like us because I think that humans like the sense of belonging.'

Sure, it makes sense to hang out with people you have fun with and can relate to you, but if you don't go and meet other kinds of people, you'll miss out on experiences, learning and fun!

Strikes and yikes...

Yikes..this title..

'Unfortunately, money is a concept created by humanity and in this world everything has a price..'

The harsh truth and reality in my own words...however it is hard to deny that money maintains order within the human society but this concept of money has turned into a controlling hand forcing people into the direction of evil since the very beginning..

Technology's Memories

'..small device that contains tons of your memories (photos) and that also is the reason to why those memories aren't etched in your heart, as they are safe and sound and meaninglessly locked away..'

I've got to give myself a round of applause for this...I think I pretty much summed up everyone's source of memories and fun times pretty well..

52 Weeks of Fun!

'One of the reasons I write for, whether it be books or blogs is to explore and introduce new perspectives on things and share views of others including myself.'

I have been reiterating this time and time again through my blogs and I cannot express how thankful I am for being able to do so - this whole blog has been an amazing learning curve and experience for me...

Living Up to Expectations

'I have been in several circumstances where people expect something of me and perhaps it didn't turn out that way, but then I might astonish them from a different aspect which they did not see coming.'

Just remember people, it's ok to take a break, sit back, fail if it costs your mental health and physical health, and rise back up to reach and cross heights beyond limits.

Easier said than done, I know, but, again, let's try.

It's just a period!

'Anyway, I want to live in a world where I can express myself freely without having people judge me..'

This sentence applies to any case, whether it be about me talking about the pain from my period freely or rant about the intricate details of life.

Feminists kindle equal rights

'..evokes the necessity of feminism and spreading the idea.'

I hate to be 'that' person but feminism needs to exist and be spread to more and more young people, all genders and race.

Equality is no joke and must be recognised.

Creating videos = Hard work

'..this just taught me how not to underestimate any job even if it is fun because the amount of effort and hard work that the job demands is crazy..'

So true..This idea of giving credit to every artist is so underrated - we tend to be critical and only look at the negatives of a creation and forget about all the positives that are weaved into a creation too.

Keep giving constructive criticism but only for it to be beneficial and not just to degrade a piece of art.

Phones become our life

'So don't stress about unnecessary things and hold onto the past like me; it is time to move on.'

I really needed to hear that (or read that)...Time to get over my exams and focus on how I can approach my exams next time..

Happy Mother's Day

'I didn't realise it was mother's day today until I found out on social media today'

So, I barely even remembered it was mother's day that day so clearly I am bad with dates as it is.

To all those asking why I've never done 'father's day'...well perhaps it is because it never fell on a Sunday! But I love my fatherrrrrrr!!! <3

Overthinking is the result of society

'If you see that you do everything you like but somehow whatever society has to say about that is still bothering you, then all I've got to say is throw those futile thoughts out - they do not need to be occupying your mind, they belong in the bin.'


Double, Double, Theatre Trouble

Ok..this is actually a decent title - it makes sense!

'I went into that hall with an open mind and gave it my all.'

A mindset we must all have when trying new things or re-attempting at old failures.


WOAAHHHHH - Phew...that's it!

Oh My Goodness.

I can't believe I wrote so many is truly magnificent - I am unable to fathom how quickly time has passed and how my journey has developed so quickly...Thank you once again to all those readers paying my blogs and me a visit. I hope these posts help and once again thank you truly, from the bottom of my heart.

- Ravitreni Signing Off

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Karshana Pandi
Karshana Pandi
May 08, 2023

God it's been sooo long since you've started the blogg!!! congratulations form your no.1 fangirl

Times really flying <333333😍

- karshana

May 13, 2023
Replying to

Yeah it's been so long, and thank you for always being there for me!! <333

And yes, time is flyingggggg!! ^^

- Me

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