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Live in the moment

Hellooo there humans!

Recently, I've been thinking about my school career and education.

I've been wishing that I was back in primary school when life was easy, I had lots of spare time and was carefree yet I spent my time in primary waiting desperately to go into secondary school to only regret not having fun and use my free time to the maximum.

Why is it that we always want something more than what we have in the present then linger back to the past and wish we could re-live a certain moment?

Well, I think it is due to our attraction and greed towards what we want in the future; we tend to think that something would be better if we have more, as a human we have the instinct of always wanting more.

Our longing for more or for a different future sometimes throws us into the illusion that the present is not perfect and that it is not worth living in - instead it is worth dreaming about the future.

Now I am not saying that dreaming about the future is bad, but in any instance a balance in life is important and recognising the moment you are living in as a gift is important.

So, I decided, instead of waiting for the next step in my life whether it be college or University or my dreams, I want to spend my time in the present working towards the future whilst having fun with the people I have around me now. My goals, dreams are ambitions are important but either way you have to first live and work in the present to get to where you want to in the future as your present actions decide your future.

It's a known fact that most of your school friends right now, may not end up being your closest friends in the future, so spend quality time with them and your family now, before you regret it.

Life can get busy and challenging and no matter how much you wish to go back to those memories, they won't be taking you back to that great time!

Anyway, I hope everyone keeps this in mind and enjoy's the present to the max - life is too short to worry and fear.

- Ravitreni Signing Off

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