Ever wondered if fate was true? and that it actually did plan our friendship before hand?
Well, I have.
In my third year of secondary school I have five friends that I can count on for life, but where did this all start? As far as I know, I started off being close friends with one of my friends.
Imagine one of your first best friends from primary school who you haven't met for 5 years randomly came to your secondary school (which was far far away from your primary school), your year group, your class and sits next to you because your names are next to each other in the register - fate.
I know what you are thinking, but no, she wasn't the first friend I hung out with. I guess we sort of just ignored each other; it was awkward.
So me and my new friend I made hung out with each other while my primary school friend had another friend she met in tuition that coincidentally got into our class too. On top of that, I also knew someone else, I used to be really close friends with this person I met from tuition and who also was in the same class. My primary school friend also made friends with another person in our class. As you can tell, she is quite the social butterfly, probably how she made friends with an introvert (me) in the first place!
Now I've introduced you to 5 characters..
My first friend I made in the class and stuck with - D
My primary school friend - S
My primary school friend's tuition friend - K
My tuition friend - H's
S's other friend - LC
In the first year (or first quarter of the year, due to lockdown) I hanged out with D and did occasionally interact with H's and S but I don't remember having a proper conversation with them until the Christmas dance.
Then the second year came and I got closer to H's and S and slowly H's, S,LC, D, and I started hanging out more often.
Towards the end of that year was when our group of 5 became a group of 6, a whole number and now I can't imagine our friendship to be any different; without the other 5 even if one's missing, it is not the same.
I know, that sounds cheesy, but we all felt the affects of not having a full register of 6 people, due to: lockdowns, isolations and getting stuck in another country...
Well, the getting stuck in another country is a story for later.
I hope you didn't get confused with all the drama of who stayed friends with who in the beginning, and if you have any questions like why it was awkward and why we didn't talk at first, then comment!
Anyway, cherish your friendships and friends, we never know how quickly we'd grow up and be forced to move on.
Happy Fated Friendships!
- Ravitreni Signing Off