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Writer's pictureravitrenip

Breaking barriers - making memories

Hellooo Humanss!!!

As GCSEs get closer, and my time at school with friends and teachers diminishes by the second, the thought of transitioning between a teen to an adult keeps lingering on my mind.

And this thought lead to another..

We often tend to dismiss and differentiate between the things that are normal for children or teenagers to do in comparison to what adults should do, and sometimes it might be to reinforce safety, but other times it can be quite...nonsensical.

To set the scene for you, imagine it's your birthday: you would probably be expecting a party, if you're not the party type perhaps you would want your friends to turn up at your house to celebrate with you, or a few presents from your parents, or a cake, or at least, some extra attention because it's your day.

But when you think about adults celebrating their birthdays, having parties on a large scale for some reason it suddenly becomes 'peculiar' or 'pathetic', especially if there are tonnes of balloons and a frivolous fancy cake, but my question to society is, what's wrong with that?

Why do so many things that shouldn't be a problem become a problem, and why are things that shouldn't be normal, normalised?

By the way, when it comes to celebrating your birthday, whether you are 62 and want rainbows and unicorns on your cake, or whether your 12 and don't actually want to celebrate your birthday with a large birthday bash, it shouldn't matter!

Stereotypes shouldn't be able to pressurise you into doing something you don't want to do, they shouldn't be barriers preventing you from doing what you want to do, so break those barriers - break those stereotypes.

And this breaking-stereotype-thing applies to every aspect of life, don't let meaningless weights hold you down, don't confine to a limit.

It is absolutely aggravating when I see comments on social media platforms that slander people for what they're wearing or for not acting like their age, however those people aren't hurting anyone, they're trying to embrace themselves and be who they want to be.

After all, there is definitely an inner child within an adult's heart, and there can be moments where an inner adult emerges from a child; all I want to say is, be yourself, whether your too mature or perceived as immature for your age.

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is, let's break barriers and make memories that are worth re-living in hearts... (bit too cheesy? oh well, you can't expect any less when I've been doing R+J revision and poetry 😂)

My message to everyone doing their GCSEs this year or for anyone who needs to hear this: If you are struggling, or if you need a bit of motivation, then listen to me - it's not impossible, and you can't give up or stop believing in yourself now, you've come so far and you cannot give up now, so if you need to hear this: 'You are strong, smart and fearless!'

- Ravitreni Signing Off

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