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Writer's pictureravitrenip

An Unlucky day?

Hellloooooo Humansss!!!

I'm here to talk to you about an interesting day of my life.

Most days of my life are quite similar to each other and whilst those days are filled with laughter and new memories being planted, my days also have a hint of bad luck, good luck, fun, sorrow, stress and so on...

All in all, my days have a pretty good mix of everything.

But, when life decides that it's time to break this balance; things descend into chaos.

On one particular day, bad luck decided to knock on my door, and basically make itself feel comfortable and at home in my life. Being too dramatic? Well, you'll see...

I started off my Monday morning waking up significantly later than usual, with about 10-15 minutes to get ready before dashing out to walk to the bus stop.

Coincidentally, the bus was running a few minutes behind, so I was able to make it to the bus stop on time (crisis averted), ironically, I didn't realise that this wasn't a blessing in disguise, but bad luck in disguise of a blessing.

Long story short, I ended up arriving at school at 9:10am (classes start at 8:30am). This was bad enough, but guess what, I had a psychology test first period, and I honestly thought I had avoided doing it which was great because I unfortunately didn't revise.

However, bad luck struck again and I ended up having to do that mini test in the last 10 minutes of the lesson! (Don't worry, I aced the test but that situation was very stressful).

I somehow got through the day (with a few minor struggles which I do not remember now) and before I knew it, it was time to go to an after school club I signed up to with my friends.

Guess what? You know it, at this point bad luck and I were besties, so of course I get put into a separate group when all 5 of my friends got put into one group!

Tell me, isn't that too unlucky to be a coincidence? (This was what confirmed my suspicion of the existence of bad luck.)

By the way, it would've been fine if I was put into a wonderful group, except, let's just say they weren't too keen on having me on their group either (it's fine the feeling was mutual).

After that exhausting day, I really, badly just wanted to go home and lie on my bed, so I tried to catch the bus home.


No, it wasn't a normal bus ride home, how could it be? Bad luck was still on my side - how loyal.

I caught a bus after ages before getting of at a stop to switch buses that would take me directly to a stop next to my house...when it showed that the next bus would come in another hour! (It randomly got delayed).

And the bus I just got off of, left!

After waiting for ages, another bus came by and I hurriedly got onto that one, without realising that it was the right bus but wrong way!!!!!!! (It was heading back to school)

I finally ended up getting another bus which dropped me off at the bus stop that was a considerable walk away from home.

At that point, I desperately hoped that the day and the week wouldn't get any worse.

But for some reason, this concept of bad luck kept lingering around me and one thing or another bothered me everyday of that week.

I think now that it was due to my mind set - I know, shocking, I didn't blame bad luck for once!

At some point, I took a step back, and looked back on my week, yes a lot of things that happened to me were quite coincidentally unfortunate, but there were also a lot of highlights of my week that I didn't acknowledge just because I lived through that week with the assumption that bad luck would strike at any point.

To be honest, a lot of things that I thought happened due to bad luck, ended up sorting itself out; I aced the test, I was able to change groups, I eventually found my way home and I came up with some sort of solution for every problem that stood in my way.

My mind set was fixed to see the negativity in my day in order to blame it on an imaginary concept of bad luck!

I know it's nice to have a few beliefs which I still do regarding bad luck, but I guess what I'm trying to say is don't let those superstitious beliefs engulf you and your life as a whole, trust me, it's not worth it.

So, I'm hoping that this week brings you good luck and the power to see through those times with bad luck.

- Ravitreni Signing Off

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4 days ago

I remember that dayyyyy, talk about bad luck . Hopefully this week brings luck (and a good chemistry test ) for all of us.

-As always


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