I almost forgot to post today..oops...
Anyway, today turned out to be crazyy...I thought my holiday week would be nothing but staying indoors whilst the sun shines brightly to do some revision and work...but it turns out I was wrong.
Let's just say my dad and brother picked my mum and I to show us something and from there they took us to curry's PC world without notifying us and major alert, we were both dressed in our pyjamas and I had messy hair, terrible choice of coat (stained with paint) and MK slippers - I know weird combo.
Straight after that, they thought they'd take a detour and visit some other stores and everyone were dressed fancily while I walked in there looking like I just found my way out of a trash can! I could feel eyes on me; I was embarrassed.
Then I got home to revise some Math and Computer Science, which I didn't necessarily enjoy but had to revise for...I am dreading the Computer Science exam on Monday.
Anyway, I had a semi-productive day today as well!! And now I am scared for my violin lesson tomorrow as I know that I haven't been practicing for a while, I am dead meat, so wish me luck!
Have a great Sunday...