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Writer's pictureravitrenip

Looking ᗺack pt.2

Updated: Apr 17, 2023

Helloooooo Humans!!

Welcome back to the second part of the series: "Looking Back".

Yes, this series was created unexpectedly but I just couldn't risk going insane from going through and editing more blogs and commenting on every single one of them in one week!

So, here I am, to continue the journey - Let's Begin.

A luck-LESS day

'So the moral of the story is.....revise before, it really pays off!'

I really needed to hear that today...XD

Cultural Week

'If I got the slightest mark on the dress, I will literally never see daylight again-'

I was definitely in a very dramatic mood, when I went through everything I wrote down and my thoughts, I couldn't help cringing! Why was I being so dramatic?

The stress of moving houses must have really gotten to me, but oddly enough, I don't remember much apart from the fact that it took ages to move...

Henna . Mehendi . Marudhaani

'..culture and religion have entwined and become inseparable as a pair, to an extent in which it is impossible to tell them apart.'

Firstly, I wanted to say that this was not my words but my friend Krish's. I think they were one of the first guest appearances to be made on my blogs and it was a great experience to collab with a close friend of mine!

Now, coming to why I chose this phrase: this is so true that religion and culture are being mistook and misinterpreted as one thing. In fact, they are not the same thing but it is important to embrace the fact that they are both a part of identity and are things close to many people's hearts. Culture is just as important as religion, and culture is especially important to those people who do not follow religion but tradition. Which has been reiterated by my friend in this blog post.

Our Chessington Trip

'I hope this blog is up to my usual standards and I hope you had fun reading.'

This is something I worry about every time I post something. It is the sole reason to why I muster up the energy to go through my blogs twice so people won't have anything they feel offended by and hopefully have something they can read and enjoy.

This is a feeling that is universal which many creators and frequent presenters face, and if you do feel this way about any work you produce it's actually great because it tells you that this piece means so much to you and that you want to work hard to make it perfect - you care about it, so keep going and keep caring...(a piece of advice to myself also).

Yearning for the past..

'These days doing things with no thought are considered "childish".

It takes away our freedom and creativity, puts a permanent lock on things with rules on what you can and cannot do.'

I couldn't find the right words to say when I read this post...perhaps because it is all so true..

We are growing in a society where some things are not acceptable and you are just seen as an immature person but those things might hold great emotional value to you and bring you immense happiness.

So, if you wanted to always go to that one theme park or watch that particular cartoon or eat that particular food but were told it wasn't acceptable then let me tell you know, it is you who gets to decide, so go home and stuff your face with those sweets made specifically for children because what's wrong with being a child at heart?

Problems still occur - Sexism

'..the incident demonstrates a dismissal of respect towards girls..'

Again, this was a blog that also featured a mini collab with a friend of mine - Pansy. And we touched quite a sensitive topic whilst my friend talked about an incident that had happened.

The reason I picked out this line is because it is true, and appalling. Why, tell me why, we are in the 21st century and women and girls are still struggling to live in a world of equality.

Why are we still fighting for respect when every human being has the right to be respected and treated equally?

Holidays and Unproductivity

'I realised that I am a person who wants to do different things and explore everyday instead of being stuck with a routine..'

This was truly a moment of realisation and I also found out a bit more about myself.

To be honest, every holiday brings an opportunity for me to learn something new about myself. For example, this easter holidays showed me that I am a person with great capability but I just need to try and put in that extra effort to have an outstanding result.

It's ok to keep learning about yourself, finding something new about yourself everyday is completely fine. Keep discovering and venturing further into your journey of finding yourself.

My Gardening Journey

'I would write more and rant more about my lovely new gardening hobby and experiences but currently I am deserted in the middle of nowhere with my car broken down... ' this was out of the blue and definitely the result of my anger evoking sarcasm. Yes, it was quite blunt and a lot of people were very confused...just to clarify, I was not in a car car had just quite literally broke down on a motorway that we had never been on.

Holiday Mahyem

'The lesson I learned: 'Be aware of your options and carefully make decisions in the time of trouble.''

Just to make it clear..this was a response to the abrupt ending of the previous blog post..

Ok, so, this was true, this was a prominent lesson I had learnt from the whole chaotic experience.

But this lesson was only one of many things. Another really important thing I learnt was that family and relationships become a huge part of solving a problem and passing an obstacle, and the biggest thing about family, is that the feeling of being together gives you a sense of safety and security even in the toughest of times.

Awkward moments....

'Then we do the awkward mirror dance until we finally make it past.'

I can't stress enough about how often this happens to's like the universe looks down upon the world and picks the girl who hates awkward social situations and cannot carry herself properly and walk two inches without tripping over her own feet!

Why I write blogs?

'..happy that my blogs could change and give a new perspective to many people who do read them..'

You have no idea how happy I was when writing this hands were shaking...because this was on of my main goals since I started writing (whether it be books or blogs) and it felt great to thank people for the way they received my writing and rants..

It's that feeling that nobody understands and is far too complex to comprehend by just reading about it, but I'll try my best to explain - after days of wondering about what to write, hours of typing, and pondering about any improvements for each blog every Sunday for 52 weeks and finally accomplishing the goal you set for yourself and the reason for the existence of your blog is truly monumental.

The emotions and experiences as well as work that has gone into this blog and website is huge and to finally achieve something that might seem insignificant and small to others is an amazing and wonderful thing to me and for that, thank you to those readers who bring yourself every week to read my stories..

New things = Scarrryyyy

'Challenges are hard to face and overcome for a reason..'

For anyone who is close to quitting or forfeiting about anything I would go to your room and stick this quote up on your wall so you could see this everyday.

A bit extreme? Yes, maybe, but the point is...don't ever quit.

It is good that you are finding it hard and challenging but the pride that you end up feeling once you have faced and overcome your challenge is spectacular.

It is worth it and you can do it.

What makes you different?

'Everyone's unique in their own way - you just need to find it in you.'

This is very true, but something else that is also true is the fact that it is not easy to find what's different about yourself and what separates you from the crowd.

So experiment, let yourself loose and try new things.

It's Me Birthday!!!

'Went out on a walk to the park..'

I was very tired that day which was why I didn't write much but you don't know how much they resented me for bringing up that idea - lol!

Basically, Krish, Krithika and Die-anna came over to my house and it was in June or July, so it was very very hot as you can imagine, and I decided (for some reason) that we could go on a walk to a very distant park..

The thing is, it would've been fine because the park was only 10 minutes away by walk except it was blazing hot and I lead them out at around 1pm - Bad idea..

I don't know what was running through my head when I suggested that but we did end up having a lot of fun XD...

Anyway, the walk that we went on for my birthday was actually quite fun and didn't end up as tragic as the first (sorry guys..).

The Magic of Festivals

'A lot of beliefs and traditions Hindus follow also have links to scientific reasons..'

This is also probably why we have so many festivals and reasons to celebrate in my religion because science was always around us but just wasn't labelled by our Hindu Ancestors..

Plan Planned Wrong!

'We literally had like a "main character" moment where we froze in front of the school gates for a second and we were really nervous to open the door.'

I'm going to say one word - Blissful Memories..

Ok, that's two, but whatever...

Do you get deja vu?

'It makes me wonder how deep and magical the human existence is with all of the wonders occurring in the world.'

This thought is the only reason that gives me hope for miracles and magical occurrences in life.

Speeches and Open Evenings..

'..when I just happened to walk by - FATE..'

Fate has become a huge part of my life especially when it comes to friends and is something that has created a stronger bond between us. (If you don't know what I am talking about regarding fateful experiences READ 'Fated Friendship Frenzy').

Trip to London

'Let's just say my biggest problem and challenge was fighting off the Pigeons..'

This. This is a true struggle very few people understand. It is impossible for you to understand how energy consuming it is to constantly dodge and face your fears everyday. I think I am getting better at facing the thing but this fear is still a work in progress...

A Day in the Life of RAVITRENI - Me!

'I try to keep myself busy'

I found that in the holidays, the days that I had nothing to do apart from revision, I ended up being really unproductive but the days I had other schedules to meet, I had ended up being really productive and got a lot done.

I think it's the fact that having to meet deadlines keeps me on the edge of my seat and on my toes...I am constantly working and having fun to meet my goal of completing a certain task.

Q & A

'I don't really get anytime but I make time..'

One of the first rules of living life and truths of life.

The harsh reality is that humans do a lot of things so time becomes very valuable and hard to work around..but it is useful to learn the art of time management and helps make time for things you need to incorporate into your lifestyle...

Ok...That's it for this week's blog post!!! Today has definitely been quite adventerous and we have touched up on lots of different topics and emotions!

I think I might have to do a final part to complete this series so I hope you can look forward to that and have a great start to the next academic term.

- Ravitreni Signing Off

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Apr 16, 2023

the thing which makes me so sad is the fact that we're at this age where we are considered 'too old' for liking cartoons but at the same time we're still young? people are constantly putting on a fake persona to not seem 'immature' but why are we being forced to grow up so soon? it baffles me and honestly teaches me not to care about what others perceive as being 'correct' for you as in the end its your life! do what you like and be true to yourself! idk if you know this but your blogs honestly makes my day and it makes me smile hearing random stories and seeing an insight in you life! please do write…

May 13, 2023
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Aww, thank you so much! Glad to hear that!

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